Thursday June 13th -- we toured the Museum of the Cherokee. That was a great experience, and very eye opening to hear about their history, in their own words!
Wednesday, June 12th -- On our first adventure day, we decided to travel some of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the area. Cherokee is actually where the Blue Ridge Parkway ends at Mile Post 469 as it butts right up against Hwy 441 going thru the Smokey Mountains. We went up as high as Lickstone Ridge (Elevation 5150) where we saw an Elk grazing on the side of the road.
Tuesday, June 11th -- Tuesday, June 11th finds us preparing for another travel day. Heading to Cherokee, NC, we took I26 north to I40 west, then off on Hwy 74 to Whittier and Tuckaseegee RV Resort. A very easy route, and no issues to speak about!
Sunday, June 9th -- we decided to tour some of the Blue Ridge Parkway, since we missed some of it coming into town. We stopped at the visitor center, which was just east of Asheville, and they had an awesome 1.2 mile hiking trail loop, so we walked General on that!
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August 2020
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